• KIT SLEEVE - different configurations : instruments, cartridges, trocars, necessary for intervention, depending on the patient's needs)

• KIT GASTRIC BYPASS - different configurations : instruments, cartridges, trocars, necessary for intervention, depending on the patient's needs)


Morbid obesity operating techniques are grouped under the name of bariatric surgery and belong to general surgery, being performed under general anesthesia with oro-tracheal intubation.
The goals of bariatric surgery are to achieve a sustained weight reduction, with improved health, diminishing or extinction of comorbidities, increasing well-being and quality of life for patients.
Bariatric surgery techniques influence the balance of energy balance, greatly diminishing food intake and causing the body to consume energy from accumulated reserves. Reducing energy deposits means fat loss, weight loss, regurgitation of the normal appearance, significant relief of vital functions, the disappearance or significant improvement of obesity-related illnesses. Operated patients gradually lose weight and should reach a convenient weight in about 8-12 months.